In an afternoon visit at the southern Westchester County district, Puccini, ETA negotiator Adam Chertok, ETA Secretary Bryan Johnson and Eastchester Monitors Association President Susan Frascone, led Person on a tour of several classes at the high school. Eastchester stands to lose $429,000 in Foundation Aid under the governor’s proposal. And while the district anticipates a slight reduction in enrollment, as Valenti explained, the fall in student numbers won’t do much to reduce costs.
Foundation Aid cuts, however, would directly impact a popular and successful Spanish language instruction program instituted last year for kindergarten and first graders. The district had hoped to hire two new teachers and expand the program to second and fifth grades. “We want a vigorous language program for elementary students, but due to these cuts we’d have to maybe only hire one teacher to share between the two buildings,” said Valenti.
Hiring additional guidance counselors at the high school to improve the student-to- counselor ratio is also in question if the cuts stand. Person pledged to keep fighting on behalf of educators statewide to restore Foundation Aid cuts. “We brought 700 folks to the Capitol yesterday to lobby and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle said they wouldn’t stand for these cuts,” she said. “We’re happy to work with superintendents on this — we’re all fighting for the same issues in Albany.”